Node.js Development Company

Developing large-scale, real-time, and scalable web and mobile apps using only JavaScript.

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform back-end technology for building server-side network web applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and enables the development of apps with a fast back-end. This technology is so well-known today because it provides great opportunities to developers and increases the efficiency of the engineering teams.

What's Node.js?

Today Node.js plays an essential role in the solutions stack of different companies that depend on its special benefits. It’s a fast-growing and most extensive development technology. With over 4 million users worldwide and an annual growth rate of 100%, Node.js represents a multipurpose platform used for web applications, IoT, and enterprise.

The main benefit is that it can manage thousands of existing connections. Finally, this technology helped transform the app development landscape at Walmart, GoDaddy, PayPal, NASA, helping them to continue with innovation in APIs, Web, mobile devices, and customer expectations.

Why consider Node.js for your web app?

Web apps built on Node.js are ideal for both startups and large companies. Mentors of web development say that Node.js is one of several technologies for the APIs that would be interesting to use and should be required to focus on. Moreover, it can be used to develop standard web applications on the server side, where it can control a large number of occurring connections in a non-blocking way.


Any business, from startup and SMBs to Fortune 500 companies, can benefit from the use of Node.js, which allows creating fast and scalable web apps, such as Uber, GoDaddy, and has also become the de facto standard at Dow Jones.

  • Increases development team productivity thanks to the availability of a variety of NPM modules.
  • Reduces costs for development. It’s highly-scalable and requires fewer resources to handle big loads as compared with other technologies.
  • Speeds time-to-market. It’s very fast and increases the speed of the development process, increasing the speed of any framework it’s used with.
  • Sustainable. It allows building an app that handles numerous client applications and still works faultlessly.
  • Efficient. It uses Javascript, so the same language can be used both on the back-end and on the front-end. This means no language barriers between front-end and back-end development.

What Apps Can Be Built with Node.js?

Chat apps
Big data manipulation apps
Social networking apps
Field service apps
Web portals
Image processing apps
Data storage apps
Back-end dashboards
Workforce and facility management apps
Content management apps

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