React.JS Development Company

We proudly built this site, and many others, with the React Javascript library.

React.js is probably the trendiest JavaScript open source library available today. Created by Facebook, it is used not only to make Facebook products but is also widely adopted in production by a variety of other popular companies like Instagram, Yahoo!, Airbnb, Sony, and others.

Why React.js?

Component-driven design

With React.js you can easily split pages or features into smaller components that can be reused in other parts of a website. Generally, it means that a web app consists of separate, independent components, which include smaller components, and so on. In fact, this feature section you are looking at right now, is a component.


Breaking an application down into separate modules can be beneficial both for the development and for the product in the long run. At the app development stage, it helps to design a smarter architecture that will be more tolerant to changes in business requirements, will allow paralleling jobs between many developers, and generally reduces the delivery time of a product.


Dynamic growth in the number of big projects built on React.js confirms that there is a future for web app creation on React.js. That’s why we increasingly apply this technology to new projects that we create.

Not Only for the Web

Facebook’s React Native is a trendy technology and is considered to be the future of hybrid application development. It’s the perfect framework to build native mobile applications. The use of React Native and JavaScript helps develop mobile apps for Android and iOS that are visually rich and functionally strong.

React mobile apps have the speed, look, and feel as well as the functionality of native mobile applications. The combination of HTML and JavaScript allows React.js developers to write reusable code. The ability to reuse React components allows businesses to easily augment existing applications without any code rewriting. That reduces time and costs and allows for creating high-performance apps with appealing UIs.

In fact, React Native is created to build fantastic mobile UIs which are highly responsive.

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